EL DESAFÍO DE GARANTIZAR LA SEGURIDAD HÍDRICA A LARGO PLAZO. VII Foro de La Economía del Agua. Círculo de Bellas Artes Madrid. 25 de Octubre de 2017.


La Seguridad Hídrica como Requisito para el Desarrollo Económico. III Diálogos del Agua de América Latina. Corporación Andina de Fomento. Casa de América Madrid. 23 de Octubre de 2017


Coste Económico y Repercusión Ambiental y Social. En La Gestión de las Aguas Regeneradas Mediante Recarga Inducida y Artificial. Club del Agua Subterránea. Madrid 18-19 Oct. De 2017


Irrigation Modernization: Empty Promises. Workshop on Efficiency-oriented water management: From panaceas to actual solutions. Euromediterranean Center of Climate Change. Venice, 12th-13th October, 2017


Governance and Innovation in the Water Sector: The Critical Role of Economic Incentives1st International Conference on Sustainable Water Processing. Elsevier Sitges, Spain. 11-14 September 2016


Tackling with Water Scarcity: The critical Role of Economic Incentives.3rd Conference of the European Innovation Partnership. European Commission. Leewarden. 15 January, 2016


Good Water Governance and Transparency. 23rd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum. Water Governance in the OSCE Area: Increasing Security and Stability Through cooperation. Vienna Austria. 26-27 January. 2015.


Financial and Economic Instruments for a Sustainable Water Future. 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action. 15-17 January 2015


SPADIS: Smart Pricing and Drought Insurance Systems II EIPWater Annual Conference.. Barcelona, Spain. November 2014.


Water Flooding and Water Scarcity: How do we address a future paradox?. The Gaudy Sunday. LMH - Lady Margaret Hall. University of Oxford, United Kingdom. June 2014


Mainstreaming water trading in water policy International Conference on Policy Mixes in Environmental and Conservation Policies. Leipzig, Germany. February 2014. The Water Energy Nexus: Scenarios for the future.


El nexo agua energía: Escenarios futuros de demanda de agua y energía Seminario sobre Energía, Cambio Climático y Cooperación para el Desarrollo. Bilbao, España. Octubre 2014.


Scarcity and Droughts. Frontiers in Economics of Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction. Financing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation. Belpasso, Sicily, Italy. September 2013


Economic Instruments (Payment for ecosystem services, Water Markets, Pricing Water-Related Services) 6th World Water Forum, Marsella Francia. March 2012. Water Markets and Other Market-based Policy Instruments for Addressing Water


Scarcity and Droughts. Frontiers in Economics of Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction. Financing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation. Belpasso, Sicily, Italy. September 2013